Getting Involved
If you would like to be on the Electoral Roll for St. John’s, please print off and fill in the application form and hand it in at church or post it to Antioch House, 66 Crossgate Durham DH1 4PR.
The Rector and PCC encourages church members to be involved in church life in one of the many ways available. Here are some examples:-
If you would like to lead intercessions or join the reading rota for our 10.30 Service on Sunday mornings, please speak to the Rector.
If you wish to be involved with the music ministry please contact Amy, our Music Director, she will be delighted to welcome you.
Volunteers to help with children and youth groups on Sunday mornings are very welcome. To comply with Church policy, you will be asked to apply for a DBS check and be given the Volunteers Handbook.
Another area welcoming volunteers is to manage the AV Desk and /or join the Door Stewarding rota, no qualifications are required to welcome people beyond a friendly manner, and training will be given to operate the AV desk.
We are all grateful to those who make the tea or coffee after the service on Sunday mornings and to those who prepare the breakfast for Café Church. Extra hands are always welcome.
Other opportunities to ensure the Church offers welcoming and attractive environment are the cleaning rota for the Church, (the church employs a cleaning company for the Church Centre) mowing the front lawn and flower arranging.
If you would like to know more click here for further details of the roles. Know more about any of these different ways of being involved in St John’s, please fill in the Contact form.