Weekly News Sheets

 St John’s Church, Neville’s Cross

We are encouraging as many people as possible to receive this weekly news sheet via email.  Please click here to contact the Rector’s Secretary to be added to the distribution list. This helps to keep our costs down and also reduce our carbon footprint.

This Sunday (20th October) there will be a Communion Service in church at 8.45 am (with Dr Douglas Pocock preaching and Rev Barnaby Huish presiding) and 10.30 am (with Canon Judy Hirst preaching and Rev Barnaby Huish presiding).  The 10.30 am service will be broadcast live (available to view on our Facebook page) https://www.facebook.com/StJohnschurchnevillescross.

Sunday morning children’s/teenagers’ groups: As of this term we are re-establishing a younger-age group for Sunday mornings, in addition to our Primary-age group (John’s Juniors) and Think Tank (which covers older Primary and Secondary-age children).  We are restarting ‘Funky Monkeys’*, which is a pre-school/Reception-age group, aimed at ages 2-4, which meets in the tearoom downstairs. (*name tbc!) We also provide a soft ‘crêche’ area for younger children (with parental supervision); this is currently in the church itself, but if parents prefer it could be moved to the foyer (to be nearer Funky Monkeys).  There has always been a degree of fluidity in terms of the age boundaries between our various groups.  Please pray for more children, and also leaders and helpers, to come forward to help make our vision viable in the longer term.  We aim to provide thoughtful, engaging, fun, age-appropriate Christian engagement for each of these age groups.  Please let Alex or Barney know if you would be willing to help. 

Romans Course – part 2: Following on from our Lent course earlier this year, Jon Wilkinson will be guiding us through the second half of Paul’s Letter to the Romans, using the same video-based resource. (https://www.biblesociety.org.uk/resources/the-romans-course).  All are welcome, it doesn’t matter if you weren’t here for part 1 and it’s ok if you can’t make all the sessions; the course is running on Thursday evenings this month, 7 pm -9 pm (24th & 31st October).  Join us if you can!

 A Memorial Service for All Souls will take place in St Edmund’s Church, Bearpark on Sunday 27th October at 4pm (a service for the Benefice – i.e. all three churches). All welcome.

Harvest Thanksgiving Collection: Many thanks to all those who contributed to the Harvest Thanksgiving Collection for Durham Foodbank. The donation came to 88.6kg, which is the equivalent of providing 111 meals.  Thank you. 

Friday Evening Choral Evensong resumes in St Margaret’s Church, as from this Friday (18th October), starting at 6.15pm, (sung by the Chapel Choir of St Cuthbert’s Society, one of the University colleges).  The service lasts around 45 minutes.

Ordinand on placement: I’m delighted to announce that Josh Thornhill, who is in his first year training for ordination at Cranmer Hall, is going to be on placement at St John’s and St Margaret’s this term and next.

Old Oak Film: The Deanery is hosting a screening of the Old Oak film at All Saints, Carr House Drive on Sunday 20th October at 4pm.  The screening will be followed by a discussion.  The Old Oak is set in a North East village and is a story of a community coming together despite their differences and the problems around them.  It focuses on the issues arising when new refugees are housed in an area where residents are already struggling with changes around them. NB this film has a BBFC 15 certificate (meaning it is judged not suitable for under-15s).

Durham Churches Together Eco Churches Lunch: Saturday 26th October, 12.30 pm at North Road Methodist Church Lower Hall.  Speaker from Refuse Café.  Please come and join us!  If you would like to bring a small contribution of salad, it would be appreciated.  If you intend to go please RSVP to christinajc.thomas@gmail.com.

 The next Open Door session is on Wednesday 6th November.  Do come and join us from 10.00 am – 12 noon for coffee/tea, conversation and cake.  

Prayer Meeting: ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain,’ Psalm 127.  There are many opportunities for prayer at St John’s, and one of them is the monthly Church Prayer Meeting on Saturday morning at 9.30 am. Our next meetings are on Saturday 9th November and Saturday 8th December at 9.30, when we pray for the Church and the world; please join us if you can.

Messy Church: It was wonderful to welcome 27 children and accompanying adults to our last Messy Church.  We meet again on Sunday 10th November from 4-6pm.

October Holiday Club: A big thanks again to all those who helped over the summer – well over 70 different adults and children attended our activities during the six weeks, supported by 28 volunteers from St John’s, St Edmund’s, and Bearpark Methodist Church.  (We averaged 25 kids/week).  I am currently exploring whether it’s feasible to put on a similar event/events in October Half Term, with craft activities offered on Monday 28th and a cooking project on Thursday 31st.  If you are available on either day and would be happy to come and help, please let me know asap, so I can determine how likely we are to manage either of these.  On both days, helpers would be needed from around 9:30am – 1:00pm ish (with some flexibility if needed).  Speak to Amy in person or get in touch via the Contact Form.

Angels and Stockings – Help needed: In recent years, knitted angels have been hung outside the church at Christmas for the local community to collect and are hugely popular.  Last year one made its way to New Zealand!  A pattern is attached to this email.  Please put any in the box in the foyer by Sunday 1st December.  Members have also knitted stockings, just big enough to hold a small tube of Smarties, which have been distributed by the Food Bank in December.  Again, a pattern is attached.  Please leave these in church by 1st December.  Please ask Elizabeth, Kath, Annette or Judith for further details, either in person or via the Contact Form.

Welcome cards: if you are new to St John’s: welcome!  You are invited to fill out one of the ‘Welcome to St John’s’ cards, which can be found in the pews; it will enable us to get in touch and say hello, and also, if you wish, for us to stay in touch and keep you informed.

Would you like to read or lead prayers (intercessions) in church from time to time on Sunday mornings? If so please contact the Rector or Rector’s Secretary.  Training/guidance/encouragement will be given.

Music on Sundays: If you would be interested in receiving a notification on Saturday, about the hymns/sheet music for the 10.30 am service on Sunday please let Amy Ward know in person or via the Contact Form.

Prayer:  A number of us meet on Zoom every Monday morning at 9.30 am to say Morning Prayer together.  This is in addition to the Prayer Meeting in church at 9.30 am on the second Saturday of the month.  To join us for Morning Prayer, regularly or on occasion, contact the Rector, Jo Cundy or Mike Chater in the first instance and we will ensure that you receive the Zoom link.  It is so important for the life of the church that we pray together.

Neville’s Cross Community Choir meets every Tuesday evening, 7pm-9pm, and costs £4 per session, which includes refreshments. There are no auditions and no attendance requirements.  New members always welcome. Contact us at nxcc.durham@gmail.com.

AV Volunteers needed: Those who are hard of hearing find having the AV system on helpful.  We need more volunteers at the 8.45 service to join the rota to do this useful task.  It involves turning on a laptop, putting out the microphones for clergy and the lectern, and muting them when not needed.  Someone could sit beside you while you learned what was involved.  Your help would be very much appreciated.  Please contact Judith, Jan or Jenny to find out more.

Does Physics Point to God?’ – Friday 8th November, 3.00-4.30pm.  A debate on the fine-tuning of the universe between Luke Barnes (Western Sydney University) and Martin Bauer (Durham University), hosted by Philip Goff (Durham University).  Location: LRC Lecture Theatre, St John’s College, Durham University.

Philip Goff, Professor of Philosophy and a member of our congregation, recently wrote an article entitled ‘My leap across the chasm’ describing his carefully considered journey from atheism to what he calls ‘a heretical form of Christianity’. It has prompted responses from numerous readers (both Christians and atheists) around the world. You’re invited to read the article here – and I’m sure he’ll be happy to talk more about it!

County Durham Faiths Network – invites you to an evening of interfaith encounter on Monday 11th November, 6pm, in the WSE Room, College of St Hild and St Bede, Rushford Court, North Road, Durham DH1 4RY. A panel of speakers will address the theme of ‘Uniting Communities: where do you find hope in working together?’.



Hymns for 8.45 am service:

  • Praise to the Holiest (627)
  • A new commandment (4)
  • What a friend we have in Jesus (811)


Grant, we beseech you, merciful Lord, to your faithful people pardon and peace,
that they may be cleansed from all their sins and serve you with a quiet mind;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Alternative Collect

Almighty God, in whose service lies perfect freedom: teach us to obey you
with loving hearts and steadfast wills; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


  • Isaiah 53.4-12
  • Hebrews 5.1-10
  • Mark 10.35-45

Post Communion

Father of light, in whom is no change or shadow of turning, you give us every
good and perfect gift and have brought us to birth by your word of truth: may
we be a living sign of that kingdom where your whole creation will be made
perfect in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Readings for Next Sunday:

  • Isaiah 55.1-11
  • 2 Timothy 3.14 – 4.5
  • John 5.36b-47




Angel Knitting Pattern
Christmas Stocking