
Jesus said ‘Where two or three are gathered in my Name, there I am with you.’ Prayer is the foundation of all we do.

What is prayer?

 It is the simple but profoundly important way in which we have a two-way encounter with God, the way in which we both listen and learn, and also express our gratitude and wonder, our needs and sorrows.  In the words of a familiar hymn: ‘Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire, uttered or unexpressed.’

Prayer can be focussed inwards, and upwards, and outwards – it feeds into the depths of our being, it seeks the divine, and it reaches out to the world around us. We can pray alone or together; we can pray in silence or in noisy praise; we can use many things such as words, or music, or pictures, or nature, to help us to pray. At St John’s we seek to grow together in this life of prayer, and to share it with others.

Morning Prayer is said on Monday mornings at 9.30am via zoom. Please request a zoom invitation from the rector (via contact us form). It lasts about 20 mins.

Midweek Communion Service takes place every Wednesday at 6.00pm in the Church.

PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH. On the second Saturday of the month people meet at 8.30-10 to share toast and tea/coffee, followed by prayer for the life of our church.  

Prayer Spaces is a way of sharing the ministry of prayer with children and is often used by our Children’s Worker with local schools.

Prayer Zone is a permanent feature of our Messy Church programme.

Thy Kingdom Come is an annual call to prayer between Ascension Day and Pentecost Sunday. The church has a programme of prayer during this time.

See the Church Newsheet for more details about 2022

“All . . . were constantly devoting themselves to prayer”  Acts 1 v.14