Sunday Morning Groups
Our aim is to nurture children and young people’s faith in Jesus.
St. John’s Church is deeply committed to including young people within our services, and making our church a place where their spirituality can be nurtured, so that they can grow as disciples in Christ.
At the 10.30 service on Sunday mornings, children and young people begin the service with their guardians, before being taken upstairs to engage with the scripture readings in a different way, with a rota of volunteers.
John’s Juniors – For primary age children (4-11), John’s Juniors provides an opportunity to engage with God and learn through play. Generally focused on one bible reading, the children learn the story through fun educational crafts, games or activities led by experienced volunteers.
Think Tank – For secondary age children and young people (11-18), Think Tank provides a more rigorous and involved opportunity for teenagers to engage with God and the scriptures. Young people will generally play a game, before having a look at the selected bible reading, and engaging in discussion. Our young people are encouraged to develop their own ideas, and base their learning upon their own experiences of God and the world.
The children and leaders pray together before returning to the church to join their families for the communion part of the service.
St. John’s usually hosts a small party for children and young people on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, and the last Sunday before the end of term.
If either you or your child would like to get involved with our Sunday Morning Groups, please click here to contact the Children, Youth and Families Worker through the contact form.