Groups at St Johns
Thursday Home Group news: We will now be meeting every Thursday at 10.30 am. New members are welcome and there is no obligation to join us every week. On alternate weeks we will look at a passage from the Bible, using the Lectio Divina study format for an hour on Zoom, sharing together. The alternate Thursday will be spent listening to the faith journey of one of the group members, or we might all bring a favourite verse from the Bible, a poem, a passage from a novel etc … We will explore different prayer styles to help us keep prayer for one another and for our current situations central in our lives of discipleship. Contact Joy or Kath for further details, via the Parish office.
The Monday House Group continues to meet on Zoom at 7.30 pm, to look at a bible passage, count our blessings, and share in prayer. More details from Jo or Adriel via the Parish Office