Growing and Learning
There are many ways in which we may grow and learn together. Sometimes we learn in small groups which might meet for a season, to study a particular book, topic, or part of the Bible and continue to meet for ongoing learning and fellowship. An Alpha Course gives people the opportunity to explore the Christian faith for the first time or more deeply if already a Christian. Click here for more information.
Some groups have a specific focus such as the Mothers’ Union and the Science and Religion book club, hosted by one of our members.
For other groups and activities, run by St. John’s, see Mission and Community Links
Two others host informal coffee evenings for young people exploring faith. We also value having special time set aside to be together. The PCC and the SMDT have ‘Away Days’; and the whole church community is encouraged to share in ‘quiet days.’
Every other year we plan a Parish Weekend away for learning, worship and fellowship. Our most recent weekend away (March 2020) was led by Bishop Sarah, the Bishop of Jarrow with the theme ‘Free to be’
‘As we grow and learn together, there may some who come to a new experience of faith, and for whom it may be appropriate to explore baptism or confirmation as a sign of committed discipleship – in these instances the Rector is available to give further guidance.
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