(Midweek Groups)

LOL stands for ‘Living Out Love’ and is a partnership between St John’s and King’s Church. There is a joint Management Team comprising of the members from both churches and is supported financially by both churches. It, in conjunction with the Diocesan Youth Officer, organises joint activities and a weekend away at Whitaugh during the year.

DIVE is a group for 11-14-year-olds (School years 7-9) which meets at Antioch House, 66, Crossgate, from 7-8.30pm on Monday evenings. (DIVE is part of ‘LOL youth ministries’,
a joint project between St John’s and King’s Church Durham).
Ask the Rector via the contact form for further details.,

SUPER 6 meets in the Spring term to give Year 6 children from our 2 local schools the opportunity to meet, have fun, to think about moving on to secondary school and to introduce them to Dive.